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Revelación en línea: cómo fabricar equipos y refinarlos

revelación Online is still currently undergoing various closed beta tests, but some gamers who have managed to get in some play-time with the upcoming MMO have been curious about how to refine equipment, craft gear and upgrade items. This brief revelación Online guide will help point you in the right direction.

YouTuber Juegos MMO de RedChain put together a 13 minute guide for revelación Online, covering the game’s upgrade and crafting aspects and how you can make use of them. You can check out the video below.

For your convenience the video actually breaks down each of the segments into categories.

For gear crafting you’ll need to talk to an NPC. There are two NPCs at the main town that handle gear crafting. When you talk to them they’ll show you what gear you can craft by applying all of the appropriate ingredients and material.

If you don’t have the appropriate materials, you can get them from the Reputation and Order NPC vendors. If you have the requisite items simply click on the “Craft” button in the menu after talking to the NPC.

You’ll also be able to find the Merit NPC vendor just south of the main square, as indicated in the image below.


As mentioned in the video, some material items are limited to purchases once a day or once a week. So be sure to stockpile items as often as possible in case you plan on crafting a bunch of items at one time.

Certain limited items require Imperial Society Merit. You’ll need to complete the Mentoring quest in order to unlock and earn that merit. Additionally, taking on the role of a Mentor for low level players will also earn you merit currency.

In order to purchase some crafting materials from Order vendors, you’ll need Demon Slayer opints, which can only be acquired by leveling up with the Demon Slayer Order. If you need to understand how to acquire Demon Slayer points and how to perform your dailies and weeklies, YouTuber Cryy put together a video explaining how you can access to material through Order vendors and how to gain EXP.

As for the crafting materials and upgrading gear… you can talk to an NPC vendor that will allow you to perform different tasks, such as crafting basic gear, moving enchantments to new gear and modifying upgraded gear. As the image below depicts, you can perform these upgrades by visiting the NPC pictured below named Finley Ser.


If you plan on upgrading a piece of equipment, you will need to use the previous piece to upgrade to the new piece. So hang on to your old stuff if you plan on upgrading it.

You can also upgrade and enhance your jewelry and accessories as well. In order to do so talk tot he NPC Mas Jessie. Depending on the region you play in the NPC names might change.

You can also refine your equipment from grade 1 up to grade 12 by talking to the NPC Nimble Lingea.

You’ll need the item Depleted Phlogiston in order to refine equipment between levels 1 – 4. Each item grade can buff your item from anywhere between 2% and 7% in stat buffs.

For items graded between level 5 and 8, you’ll need to use Argent Phlogiston to refine them. For items level 9 through 12 you’ll need Red Phlogiston to refine them.

You can purchase Argent Phlogiston and Depleted Phlogiston from Merit vendors, such as the one from the Ausgyth Commerce Center Shop. You can only acquire Red Phlogiston from completing dungeons after purchasing a red ticket. Red tickets are only available for purchase once a week from the Ausgyth Commerce Center Shop.

You can also upgrade your gear by grinding on monsters and beating dungeons. The items have their own separate XP that can be leveled up to reach new tiers. You will need a point of Hematite for every tier you reach.

Hematite can be purchased from Order or Merit NPC vendors. You can also salvage it by deconstructing certain items. You can deconstruct items by clicking on the little hammer icon in your inventory screen.

Leveling up your gear to the maximum level will enable it to hit the breakthrough limit; this can be achieved by visiting the NPC, Imogen Stuppy. You’ll need green beads and it will bring your weapon or item past the breakthrough point. Simply place the item you want to “breakthrough” into the item slot and it will show how many los granos verdes will be required to upgrade it.

In order to get green beads, you will need to talk to a Merit NPC vendor, such as Stephan Zagar. You can only purchase 4 green beads un día.

You can also purchase gems to upgrade your equipment, and slot the gems into the equipment by pressing ‘N’. The higher level your equipment, the more gems you can slot into the equipment.

revelación Online is still currently undergoing beta testing but you can learn more about the game by visiting the página web oficial.

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