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Detallado el DLC “No pasarán” de Battlefield 1

As mentioned before by EA, Battlefield 1 will be gaining a new DLC come March of this year. But the devs released a new set of information ahead of the initial release and covers the new behemoth, elite class, stages and other content featured in the DLC. Battlefield 1 is out now for PC, PS4 and Xbox One, and will gain its first paid DLC this March and will be free to those who have the Ultimate Edition.

There are some new images released that show Battlefield 1‘s latest content inside “They Shall Not Pass” DLC. EA and DICE offered up more than a sneak peek at the upcoming March update, which you can see below.

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nuevas etapas

Verdun Heights: The opening barrage of the Battle of Verdun created massive forest fires. Players will be battling in the desolate land consumed by constant shell bombardment, where the forge and “the Devil’s Anvil” continues to succumb the bravest combatants.

Fort Vaux: The first big engagement inside a fort during WW1 takes place in the dark underworld of Fort Vaux. Filled with corridors, dark galleries and crippled hallways, French and Germans fight ferociously to the death.

Soissons: Take part in one of the biggest tank assaults of World War 1. The French 10th Army moves to take back Soissons using their powerful Saint Chamond tanks. In the country side of France during the hot Summer days, players will encounter thunderstorms louder than the planes, tanks and infantry forces clashing over Soissons.

Ruptura: Key bridges across the Aisne river sit waiting to be occupied by opposing forces, which the French find themselves battling in fields filled with poppies over the rusty wreck from previous tank battles. As the sun sets over Fontenoy, the battle wakes up with a maze of steel giants sprawled across the filled.

nuevo Modo

Frontlines Battle: A mix between Conquest and Rush, this new mode focuses on players controlling points in a tug-of-war on the frontline. Both teams fight for one flag at a time and when the objective is captured the action moves to the next. Capture the enemy’s HQ control point and the game turns into a Rush-style sector phase where telegraph posts need to be assaulted or defended.

New Behemoth

Char 2C: The new behemoth that stands to be in the French DLC “They Shall Not Pass” comes in as the Char 2C. This super-heavy tank, like the other behemoths, may turn the tide of the entire battle.

New Assault Tank Gun

The St. Chamond: The new heavily armed allied tank, St. Chamond, was used in the war and will later be use-able in the game.

New Elite Class

Raider Elite Class: Use the melee skills of the new Elite Class: the Trench Raider. With the Brutal Raider Club and impressive grenade arsenal, you will be able to spam areas with grenades and use your club in close combat.

New Stationary Weapon

Siege Howitzer: Similar to a Field Gun, the Siege Howitzer can be operated by an infantry player and can be used in both direct and indirect conflicts.

Before signing out, good sir Westie has a nice video up that details everything above in his new video.

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