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1519450verificación de cookiesAce Attorney llegará a Nintendo Switch en Japón y Occidente en 2018

Ace Attorney llegará a Nintendo Switch en Japón y Occidente en 2018

Apparently Capcom sees money in the Switch and wants to start putting serious effort and franchises on Nintendo’s little hybrid that could. While the company has announced games like Monster Hunter XX in the past, and decided to opt out of putting Marvel vs Capcom: Infinito on the Switch, they aren’t averse to putting classic portable games like Ace Attorney en el sistema.

Wall Street Journal correspondent Takashi Mochizuki spotted the note from an interview that Capcom chief operating officer, Haruhiro Tsujimoto, had with Japanese media outlet Jiji.com.

The article states that Tsujimoto revealed to them that once fiscal 2018 wraps up we could be seeing the launch of Ace Attorney on the Nintendo Switch. This would mean that the game would be set to arrive at any point after March 31st, 2018, which is when Capcom’s 2018 fiscal year comes to a close. And given Capcom’s penchant for pushing the titles out during the summer, don’t be surprised if the game arrives in Japan before the summer is out and at some point in the fall of next year.

The Jiji article also explains that Capcom has already begun development on the Switch version of Ace Attorney. Most interesting is that the article has a short blurb and that the game will launch both domestically (in Japan) and abroad (internationally). The exact passage reads…

“[Ace Attorney] and the likes thereof will be released both domestically and internationally due to their popularity for sale on [Nintendo] Switches.”

The entire article on Jiji is quite small but quite informative.

The question, however, is exactly when Capcom plans to get the game out? And also, will it just be a port of the 3DS version with better graphics or are we walking about an all new Ace Attorney experience? I’m sure we’ll find out once 2018 draws a lot closer.

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