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1500270verificación de cookiesLa colección Grandia HD llega a Nintendo Switch el 16 de agosto

La colección Grandia HD llega a Nintendo Switch el 16 de agosto

Gungho Online Entertainment announced that later this week you’ll be able to pick up a digital copy of the Grandia HD Collection on the Nintendo Switch starting August 16th. The good news is that it features all the classics wrapped up in one single package. The bad news is that the Japanese language support won’t be available at launch.

The HD collection on Switch will feature Grandia y Grandia II, both of which will include enhanced UI, the original cinematic videos updated to for compatibility with HD displays, widescreen support, and audio support for the original English and Japanese voices. However, as mentioned by the press rep in a follow-up e-mail, the Japanese voiceover support won’t be available at launch, but will arrive at some point after the release of the collection as a post-launch patch.

In addition to launching on the Switch, the games are also scheduled to make an appearance on Steam for PC, with the Grandia HD Remaster set to follow in the Switch’s footsteps along with Edición de aniversario de Grandia II ser renombrado a Grandia II HD Remaster.

The games will include all of the latest updates and features that will be part of the Nintendo Switch release, barring the ability to utilize the Switch’s portability mode.

The collection also features the remastered soundtrack from Noriyuki Iwadare, as well as Steam cards and achievements for the PC version of the games.

Grandia II: Edición de aniversario está actualmente disponible en este momento en el tienda de Steam and as a DRM-free purchase from GOG.com. Grandia HD Collection will be available on the Nintendo Switch starting August 16th. The PC versions of the first game as an HD remaster will arrive at a later date, along with Japanese voiceover support. The Edición de aniversario on Steam and GOG.com will also undergo the name-change to the HD Remaster. I know it seems really confusing and a bit like a convoluted process for re-releasing these games as HD remasters, but it is what it is.

Para obtener más información no dude en visitar el Gungho Online Entertainment website.

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