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1569190verificación de cookiesInforme dice que Shuhei Yoshida se reúne con los desarrolladores de FromSoftware durante la reunión navideña
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Informe dice que Shuhei Yoshida se reúne con los desarrolladores de FromSoftware durante la reunión navideña

A new report has surfaced highlighting the once president of SIE worldwide studios for Sony Interactive Entertainment, Shuhei Yoshida, conducting a meet and greet with FromSoftware developers. Although Yoshida now stands as a figure that helps external independent creators at Sony, the new report believes the former SIE president is teasing something special.

The interesting thing about this holiday meeting being about something special as per jackofallcontrollers.com is that no one has corrected any of the speculations surrounding Yoshida and FromSoftware.

With that said, back on November 30th, 2019, Yoshida tweeted out that he had met up with Yasuhiro Kitao, Masami Yamamoto, and Masaaki Yamagiwa, along with his favorite music artist Kaneko Ayano:

Here’s the translation of the above tweet:

“Yes, yesterday I joined together with the likes of Kita and Kanekoyano on “holiday”.”

Página web jackofallcontrollers.com makes mention that all of the above developers (besides Ayano) have all worked on Bloodborne and believes that since Sony owns the IP, it could make a sequel or spin-off:

“FromSoftware has been extremely close to Sony, from Demon’s Souls in 2009, BloodBorne in 2015, and Déraciné in 2018, the pair have worked hand in hand on exclusives. This could’ve been the start of another game, and hopefully it is.”

While the replies to Yoshida’s holiday tweet are only composed of 2 transmitido por la sangre stuff, if this collaboration thing is something real, I could see it being a spin-off in the realm of BloodBorne or something akin to it, but not 2 transmitido por la sangre.

Moreover, subreddit r/Juegos caught wind of the news that Yoshida met with FromSoftware devs and relayed the same thing as the above publication site that it could be the start to 2 transmitido por la sangre.

Although I’m skeptical that the holiday meeting was about 2 transmitido por la sangre, what are your thoughts on all of this? Do you think the holiday meeting had nothing to do with video games, or do you think this was about a new project?

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