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1433360verificación de cookiesLa beta cerrada de Rising Storm 2 trae personalización de personajes

La beta cerrada de Rising Storm 2 trae personalización de personajes

If you weren’t already aware, Tripwire and Antimatter Games have debuted Rising Storm 2: Vietnam’s Closed Beta. The Closed Beta released a few days back and now brings a list of new features. Also the sign-up process is still ripe and open, in case you were considering joining in on  the jungle heat.

El aumento de la tormenta 2: Vietnam is set to come out early next year for PC, but you don’t have to wait until next year to play the game seeing that the Closed Beta is now live.

Sinceramente El aumento de la tormenta 2 sparked my interest due to the time period being set during the Vietnam war. The setting opens up room for more customization for weapons, vehicles and soldiers, as well as variety of armament on the field compared to some older wars.

Furthermore, if you are new and want a brief overview covering everything regarding Tormenta creciente 2: Vietnam, a video by Westie offers a rundown of the basics.

Now that you are up to speed with Rising Storm 2, the Closed Beta brings some new features to the table and one of them are character customization. A video by TheTacticalRedNeck shows all of the current customization content in the Closed Beta.

The next video goes over the weapons in the game, however the video doesn’t cover the NVA/Vietcong weapons but only the U.S. weapons. If you want you can check out the video by El Shermanador.

If all of the above looked like mighty fun you can join in by heading over to the game’s sitio principal to sign up for the Closed Beta. If you are not picked on the first round the devs will have a second round coming so that you can join in and help improve the game, which the sign-ups for the game aren’t over just yet…

"Una vez el Beta cerrada starts we will let you know if you’ve been selected for the first round of participants. If you’re not selected for the first round, hold tight, as there will be more people invited over time.”

You can learn more by heading over to rs2vietnam.com.

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