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1439020verificación de cookiesHive Jump, el shooter cooperativo Metroidvania sale del acceso anticipado el 18 de enero

Hive Jump, el shooter cooperativo Metroidvania sale del acceso anticipado el 18 de enero

One of the many games that completely flew well under my radar from developer Graphite Lab is set to exit Early Access and launch in full on Steam come January 18th. The announcement was recently made over on the La página de vapor, where the developers are prepping to bring their Metroidvania co-op title to the masses once they’re done squashing the bugs.

To commemorate the announcement Graphite Lab released a new launch trailer, giving old fans and new fans alike an opportunity to see what they have in store with the release of the 2D side-scroller. You can check it out below.

Man, I can’t believe I missed out on this game. Had I known it existed I likely would have picked a copy up during its Early Access run.

Up to four players, either via local split-screen or online play, can team together to blast through procedurally generated levels, acquiring new power-ups, new weapons and new abilities. Dying comes naturally, but the main goal is to keep the payload alive so it can be delivered to the end boss at each stage, enabling the company to nuke the bugs from orbit.

Saltador de colmena looks like a really fun, balls-to-the-walls action romp, something that escaped the smokey arcade rooms with carpeted floors full of Cheetos bags and popcorn seeds from the 1990s and find its way into the politically correct era of 2017.

Each level contains numerous traps, relentless AI enemies who will actually search you out throughout the level and hunt you down, dynamic lighting to keep the visuals intense and focused, as well as a galactic campaign mode so you can pick and choose which planets you want to disinfect the bug menace from.

If you have a few friends it seems like Saltador de colmena is definitely a game worth keeping an eye on when it launches on January 18th. That trailer really sold it for me. I feel really bad for having missed out on this game, but better late than never, eh?

Usted puede aprender más acerca Saltar colmena visitando la página de la tienda de vapor, or picking up a digital copy when it launches on January 18th.

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