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1441910verificación de cookiesLa demo de Monster Hunter XX 3DS ya se puede reproducir en Japón

La demo de Monster Hunter XX 3DS ya se puede reproducir en Japón

Si eres como yo y disfrutas Monster Hunter games and want to get an early taste of the upcoming Monster Hunter XX by Capcom, a new demo is out right now for you to play. The game is set to release on the Nintendo 3DS in Japan on March 18th, while the Western version has no release date.

It is no surprise that I’m a big fan of Monster Hunter games, and if you are like me and enjoy playing adventure games with gigantic creatures roaming around large fields, get ready because Capcom just released Monster Hunter XX demo in Japan for the public to consume.

Like in the other previous demos released this demo will feature new stuff for fans to discover. In other words, new features only present in Monster Hunter XX will be in the demo for fans to try out, along with the old familiar content that makes the series so popular.

Looking further into the demo and the features that will be present in the cut down version of the game, content like the Brave Style and Renkin Style will be included under the Hunting Styles. And those who like the felines will find that the Meownter Beast transformation will be present in the demo.

In addition to the demo’s content, up to four people can play in local multiplayer, and will be able to fight three different bosses via three quests. The quests contain the Yian Kut-Ku hunt (for beginners), the Barroth hunt (for intermediate players), and the Barioth hunt (for advanced players).

Two videos showing Monster Hunter XX sit below for you to look over, the first video by Saiven X shows a cinematic scene of the game, while perfectamente Nintendo has a third trailer up.


It’s worth noting that upon keeping your save data afterwards will grant you “helpful items” in the full version, so keep those save files if you want extra goods.

Before ending, the demo for Monster Hunter XX can be found by going to the Japanese Nintendo eShop, which shouldn’t take up too many blocks once downloaded.

Capcom está listo para lanzar Monster Hunter XX for the Nintendo 3DS in Japan on March 18th. As of this moment, no Western release has been announced yet.

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