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1446930verificación de cookiesParadigm aterriza en Steam y trae de vuelta la acción clásica de apuntar y hacer clic

Paradigm aterriza en Steam y trae de vuelta la acción clásica de apuntar y hacer clic

Players step into the shoes of a deformed mutant named Paradigm in the game Paradigma. The title sees players attempting to survive and adventure through a post-nuclear Eastern Europe as they attempt to make friends and find a cure for Paradigm’s hideously deformed face.

Jacob Janerka’s point-and-click adventure game is set in the year 2026 where radiation has created a culture of oddities.

One of the game’s features is that he’s supposed to be the ugliest protagonist in gaming… but he’s gonna have a hard time maintaining that title with games like Mass Effect: Andromeda por ahí.

The artistic-themes are filled from top to bottom with hilarity, though. The game embraces glam-metal, retro-futurism and surrealistic depictions of meme-worthy characters. You can get a glimpse of what the art-style is like and the hideously glamorous protagonist with the trailer below.

You can make love to a toaster, fight against a genetically modified sloth that regurgitates candy bars, and help local drug dealers.

The game is setup to be weird and strange and completely out of blue; something you wouldn’t regularly find being advertised. However, all of that weirdness is part of the game’s undeniably 1990’s pastiche charm.

If you grew up on games like Space Quest y el Neverhood y Normalidad, you’ll likely find yourself fitting in right at home with Paradigma.

The game appears to clock in at around four to six hours, so if you’re looking for a healthy point-and-click adventure it seems to bring the goods in at an acceptable amount of play time.

The user reviews are also pretty positive and high-up on the game, noting that it’s original, funny and full of weird characters and dialogue options.

It’s available right now for $14.99 but you can get it for 10% off during the first week while it’s on Steam.

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