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1469830verificación de cookiesEl nuevo tráiler del juego de lucha Arika muestra a Allen Snider

El nuevo tráiler del juego de lucha Arika muestra a Allen Snider

Oft referred to as “Arika mystery fighting game,” a new video trailer has surfaced for fighting fans and gamer alike to look over, which dabbles in a previously released character named Allen Snider. The mystery fighting game is set to launch worldwide for PS4 in 2018.

The mystery fighting game by Arika has received a new short video showing almost a minute worth of gameplay footage. The video contains a familiar character and a small portion of his moves and fighting style.

Allen Snider or Aren Sunaidā is a character from the Street Fighter series, who first appeared in Street Fighter EX as a secret character. The North American freestyle karate fighter will be a playable character in this upcoming fighting game.

If you recall correctly, Arika released a teaser video for Snider not too long ago. The video was published back on August 8th and reiterated that a title was still in the works. The new video continues where the last video left off and takes us into battle with him as seen below.

The video above comes in from Arika’s Canal de Youtube.

Furthermore, it is safe to say that the game is still in a very early state and will likely face upgrades regarding animations and graphics… hopefully. Given that the game is set to release sometime in 2018 it seems that it will look and perform better, especially given that it’s a PS4 exclusive — meaning the devs have one build to focus on.

Lastly, the game has been perceived as an intricate joke since its release is set for April 1st, but it seems to be legit in that the devs are developing new assets and content for the game. To further prove that it is a valid game you will be able to play it early, a beta/server test is set to drop near the end of 2017.

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