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1529360verificación de cookiesRedout: Space Assault incursionará en batallas espaciales multifacéticas en el primer trimestre de 1

Redout: Space Assault incursionará en batallas espaciales multifacéticas en el primer trimestre de 1

34BigThings revealed that the next big adventure for the Redout franchise isn’t another fast-paced racing game, but a tactical, arcade-style space shooter featuring fast-paced combat, lots of evasive flying, and plenty of high-end firepower to boot.

El anuncio de Redout: Space Assault was accompanied by a pre-alpha gameplay trailer clocking in at just under two minutes, promising a dynamic alternative to other space shooters out there like Elite: Peligroso y Galaxia rebelde.

You can check out the alpha footage below:

The gameplay video showcases how the general combat physics are designed and what gamers can expect from the ship handling and weapon variation.

According to Giuseppe Enrico Franchi, the studio’s lead game designer, they’ve been refining and overhauling and working on the mechanics to get the game to feel just right. Franchi mentions in the press release…

“The game’s initial focus on tactical combat has slightly shifted, in favor of a more dynamic approach. We have been increasingly granting more and more attention to satisfying gunplay and adrenaline-pumping speed, giving the game a more immediate, arcade feel. We did not forget what made Redout great and we want Space Assault to be just as thrilling.”

Pero Redout: Space Assault isn’t just another dogfighting space shooter, you’ll also have to think tactically while you’re out there shooting and taking down the enemies. The game features the ability to also dock at he larger covertte class ships and even take control of them in the midst of battle.

Additional non-exclusive roles are also available to assume while you’re on a mission, such as being able to repair carrier ships, escort vulnerable cargo, or take on the role of a bomber and blow up the carriers.

Redout: Space Assault will feature a full-blown career mode that will take you across the Redout universe, as well as online multiplayer for PvP battles.

Usted puede buscar Redout: Space Assault to launch first on Steam for PC at some point in the early first quarter of 2019. For more info you can visit the tienda de Steam.

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