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1566610verificación de cookiesVestaria Saga I: War Of the Scions Indie SRPG se lanza en Occidente el 27 de diciembre

Vestaria Saga I: War Of the Scions Indie SRPG se lanza en Occidente el 27 de diciembre

Dangen Entertainment announced that Vestaria Project’s Vestaria Saga I: Guerra de los vástagos is finally making its way Westward for PC… in English. The game was originally released as an indie project by dedicated Japanese artists using the SRPG Studio back in 2016 in Japan. The PC title was a voluntary passion project that is now being re-released in the West as a legitimate product on Steam starting December 27th, 2019.

Dangen Entertainment announced that they secured the the publishing rights to Vestaria Saga I: Guerra de los vástagos and will bring the strategy RPG to fans in the West for thew very first time. The release date news was accompanied by a launch trailer ahead of the game’s appearance on Steam.

Puedes ver el tráiler de lanzamiento a continuación.

The game mixes in multiple character stories with traditional Japanese-style turn-based strategy combat, not unlike Fire Emblemo Advance Wars, or one of the best JRPGs ever made for the SNES, Bahamut Lagoon.

Players will take control of Zadrian from the small kingdom of Meleda, who finds himself on the run from Imperial forces while attempting to save his kingdom, protect the lineage of his people, and rescue Meleda’s princess.

Along the way players will discover another enemy force that emerges, forcing players to have to adapt to an unrelenting enemy while recruiting and growing your small band of resistance fighters, of which there are 20.

The game also sports unique story threads that resolve based on the decisions you make.

It feels like a real throwback to the 16-bit era of gaming, which I can’t complain about too much given how awful the eighth-gen of gaming has become. I imagine if the game does well enough we’ll see additional releases on Steam by Dangen Entertainment from indie Japanese developers.

Se puede obtener en sus manos Vestaria Saga I beginning December 27th for the first time in English when it launches on the tienda de Steam.

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